Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Completely Surrounded

I was swarmed by gobs of Spinner Dolphins this morning during my ocean swim. I counted fifty, then another group swam up and I could no longer keep track.

I waited quietly when they approached me and when they left I started swimming again, only to be once more surrounded. I didn't get much exercise but I had a GREAT time.

Click HERE for lots more photos from this morning. I am still trying to figure out video on my new(ish) camera, but at least today's video is mercifully brief. Click HERE or below for this morning's video.


  1. oh Don!! They wonder where uve been!!!

  2. Thank you, Thank you, Thank You Don! Awesome!!!

  3. Always great to swim into you :) nice seeing you this morning! Jill Lee (FB me:) or windhontas@hotmail.com Beautiful what you do! Thank you xo
