This group of Convict Tang, Yellow Tang, a Parrotfish and others were so focused on their lunch that they didn't care how close I got. Kind of like me since I started watching my weight, nothing can distract me from my lunch so don't even try.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Morning Commute
A lifetime ago I used to ride centipede-like trains between glass and steel canyon walls. This morning's photo shoot took me up the mountain and through eucalyptus forests. Upon arrival crackling flames in a stone fireplace took the chill off the mountain air. I love living on Maui
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Fear Factor
I swam out to the "Aquarium" this morning. I'm really glad the dolphins did not stop by for a visit because there was an undercover DLNR agent sitting on shore waiting to arrest people for swimming with dolphins. Ocean swimming used to bring me pure joy, now there's often stress from worrying about being unjustly accused. I won't even get into the water if dolphins have been sighted in the area because swimmers are presumed guilty and have to prove their innocence in court. Who wants to go through that? I don't.
Monday, September 27, 2010
National Holiday
I swear that if I were to sit in a tide pool like this, I would spend the next week picking sea urchin spines out of my okole.
It seemed like there were an unusually large number of families at the beach for a Monday. Oh, maybe they were all off work for the National Holiday today - Doug's Birthday! Thank goodness life returns to normal tomorrow once the holiday weekend is over.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Doug
Doug's birthday is tomorrow (Monday) but the tennis players helped him celebrate yesterday and the swimmers wished him well today (above).
I get to thinking that photography is no big deal because I do it every day. I handed my little point-and-shoot camera to a complete stranger at the restaurant this afternoon so I could be in the group shot, and it turned out all blurry. Perhaps there is some skill involved...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
What is it about inner tubes that make them so much fun? I used to love playing in one as a kid. Of course, back then they got really hot in the sun because they actually were car tire "inner tubes" and were light-absorbing black with hazardous air valve stems sticking into the middle. Yes, I got burned and yes, I got scratched - but I had sooooo much fun.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Let's Rumble
Blue Ulua always look to me like a gang of thugs out to rumble. This group often swims by to check me out at the beginning of my morning ocean swims. Once they decide that I don't look very tasty, they swagger away.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Too Yellow
I know I said I like vivid colors, but these mushrooms which popped up outside my front door have gone too far. Can you say "YELLOW"? Whoah dude, tone it down a notch. Even the guy below was asking for sunglasses.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Big Barracudas make me nervous, and this guy was Big. When they strike, they move like lightening; and those teeth... I was just a little bit larger than him, so he kept edging away from me. I never want to run into one which is bigger than me, I definitely prefer to be the Big Fish On the Block.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
We encountered rough and choppy waters on our ocean swim this morning which grew progressively more challenging. But most of our swimmers managed to return (some of our strongest swimmers actually gave up and walked back). Click HERE for more photos from today's swim.
Down below, everything was calm. If only I didn't need to breathe, swimming would be so much easier.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wrong Ends
First of all, know that I don't have the most amazing eyesight. So, I was walking along the beach when I noticed that someone floating in the ocean seemed to have two heads. Not like a normal two-headed person with both heads at the same end, but one head on each end of the body. That just wasn't right. Fortunately, an unusual wave came along just then and tumbled them into their natural two separate bodies. Whew!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Going Stoopid
Am I going blind?
The water still seemed murky this morning, yet my photos of a Manta Ray and of a Spotted Eagle Ray seemed fairly clear. What is going on?
Eureka! I just noticed that my two year old plastic swim goggles are so scratched and worn that everything seems cloudy and blurry when I put them on.
I am not going blind, I am going stupid.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Put Me Down
Hmmmm. I detected some trust issues in this newlywed photo shoot. Or maybe I was just imagining it?
Then again, I would never be able to relax if someone were to pick me up and dangle me like that. I admit it, I definitely have trust issues and always have.
The big south shore surf has been carving away the beaches in my neighborhood. It's a good thing, too. The ocean carries the sand away, washes it, then returns it later all nice and clean.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ghost or . . .
I was mighty uncomfortable swimming in the ocean this morning. Surf was up along the south shores and SURF=MURK. Visibility was poor and my heart started racing each time a turtle appeared out of the gloom. It wasn't just me either; when the first turtle saw me, it spun and raced away like it had seen a ghost (or shark, but we don't mention those while swimming).
This Spotted Eagle Ray wasn't afraid, though. It swam up to check me out, then turned and disappeared as if disappointed. Ah, the story of my life...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Show Some Appreciation
Is your car feeling overworked and under appreciated? Is it being used and abused, then left out in the cold and rain?
Do the right thing. Bring it to Maui on vacation!
We have lots of free beach-front parking where it can enjoy the view and luxuriate in the warm sun while being caressed by gentle tropical breezes.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Amazing Christine
Wow! The Amazing Christine swam barefoot this morning! No fins for her.
She is training for the 25th Annual Maui Roughwater Ocean Swim Race in two weeks. It is incredible, the lengths to which some people will go to win a race. Now if only she could learn to swim in a straight line...We also had a couple of first-time Sunday Swimmers today. Nancy was worried that she would be too slow, but I certainly couldn't keep up with her.
Click HERE for more photos from this morning's ocean swim.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Something She Loved
When I climbed out of the ocean this morning, a couple sitting on the shore told me that a big pod of dolphins was right behind me and did I see them? Nope. But that's okay, I had a nice chat with the people instead.
They had come to Maui from Ohio to collect the remains of their daughter who died on Tuesday in a surfing accident. They were checking out the place they planned on scattering her ashes. Their daughter had traveled many places, but never the land down under. So they were going to release her remains in the strong current which runs off Maui's south shore in hopes she would get to visit Australia at long last.
Her mom told me very sincerely, "I'm glad she died doing something she loved."
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Getting Light
What the heck am I doing out walking while it is still dark out? Getting in a little exercise before spending another full day sitting in the office, of course.
Oh, but it was worth it! Watching the sun rise is always a treat, and so different from when it sets. Kind of opposite, actually :-)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Fishy Role Model
My role model, the Cornetfish. If I could just lose another 150 pounds, I too would be this slender and good-looking.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
More Beautiful in Death
Sorry, but no story today. I was stuck at home working all day and had to force myself out the door and onto the beach for sunset. I found this recently deceased spiny sea urchin and took its portrait. I only hope I look as good after I pass on.
Monday, September 6, 2010
2010 Aumakua
Maui is blessed with many fit and beautiful wahine. And today lots of them took part in the Aumaku ocean swim race at Maluaka beach. No, I was not one of them, I was escorting them in my teeny, tiny little kayak. Click HERE for lots and lots more photos from this morning's race.
It is a long-standing tradition that everyone join hands for a blessing either by Coach Janet or in this case by the Rev. Dr. Rice.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I'm Being Followed
No matter where I go the past few weeks, I've seen groups of Spotted Eagle Rays. Do they somehow sense me, then congregate in that area? Or are aliens somehow beaming my location to them?
Not that I have any complaints about it, to the contrary. I thoroughly enjoy their company. Several of the Maui Pink Cap swimmers got to enjoy swimming with them this morning as well. Click HERE for more photos from this morning's swim.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Asking for Trouble
Recipe for disaster:
3 Young Children
1 Expensive Camera
Mix with Salt Water Ocean
There is no way this is going to turn out well...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Too Close
Oh my! These Spotted Eagle Rays were so engaged this morning, that they weren't watching where they were going. I had to keep ducking out of the way.
Once they calmed down, they began following me around. When I dove down near them, they would turn away. As soon as I got back to the surface they lined up behind me again. They finally gave up when I climbed out of the water.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Happy to Share
Birds were lined up for their turn at my mangoes today. No problem, actually. I have eaten so many the past couple months that I'm happy to share. Just lucky for them it wasn't earlier in the season...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
They Found Me
I can't believe it has been over a month since I've been approached by Spinner Dolphins. You would think they'd have missed me so much that they would have even begun searching on land for me. It doesn't matter, this morning's swim made up for lost time. I forgive them. Click HERE for more photos from this morning's adventure.