Sorry. I did not see any dolphins on my swim today.
But whales! I did see Humpback Whales this morning! Not only did I see them, but they saw me. AND accompanied me on my workout for more than thirty minutes (am I using too many exclamation points? Definitely NOT!)!
I had been swimming for thirty minutes when I noticed very loud whale noises underwater. Very loud. I knew whales had to be close, but where? The water had grown murky, which meant I was in their territory. I looked around above water for a spout or other sign, but saw nothing. I looked some more then decided to get back to my swim. Five minutes later I stopped and this time above water I saw a humped whale back, then the tail. It was swimming alongside me in the same direction. Cool.I resumed my swim and was soon cut off by these three whales: a calf, mother and escort. And still making a lot of noise (click HERE or Below for today's Video and hear it for yourself). Filled with gratitude for the encounter I decided to swim on and continue my workout. From time to time out of the corner of my eye on the surface I could see their backs as they swam along with me. Fifteen minutes later they swam by me again, then yet again ten minutes after that.
Unlike the spinner dolphins, they did not seem to be the least bit dissatisfied with my swimming speed. Instead, they waited patiently for me again and again. When I had swum enough and was shivering with cold, I climbed into the kayak I always tow behind me. They circled back and swam directly under me to say farewell.
2 years ago
omg omg omg !!!! Tears in my eyes Don !!! what a awesome awesome thing !!! When touched by these maginficent creatures the dolphins and the WHALES our lives ARE NEVER THE SAME !!! What a blessing !!
ReplyDeletehello, I intend to visit Maui, mid April
ReplyDeletecan I swim with whales??? please answer!
Diana Visintini
Ayacucho 118
9120- Puerto Madryn, Chubut
Patagonia - ARGENTINA
TE 54- 2965 - 456179 // 1541 5925