My exercise walk this morning ended in tragedy.
Exquisite is the only way to describe a Makena morning. Cool air draining down from the mountain top and clear blue skies. As I walk, heat and humidity rise as the ground bakes under the merciless sun. Each patch of shade evokes a moment of bliss as I enter. I look for any excuse to take a break during these summer walks.
I stopped for a nice chat with a realtor friend and again when I met a couple visiting from New Jersey. Considering how socially inept I am, I get a surprising amount of pleasure from interacting with others.
As I was striding the home stretch, I saw a fluttering against a rock wall. A poor Barn Owl must have been hit by a passing car. I was hoping that it was only stunned and would soon fly away, but it did not survive. I find it strange that I could be so emotionally shaken by the death of a wild animal. Then again I was primed by the tragic movie we watched last night about a family dealing with the death of a parent. I sure hope we can find a comedy to watch tonight.
2 years ago