Our fascination with hidden courtyards continued today. As we strolled the streets, we stopped to peek into many of them. They are kind of like little rural villages in the midst of the big city. Trees and grape vines are common along with hanging laundry and parked cars. Some even had courtyards within the courtyards. All very mysterious and enticing.
Some courtyards have businesses and restaurants. Doug and I enjoyed beverages sitting next to a fountain in big comfortable seats in the courtyard behind the Opera house. A series of young unmarried couples came and sat in one of the park benches facing the fountain. At one point there were three couples squeezed onto this same park bench, each couple managing to ignore the other two couples.
In Sevastopol the most common street vendor was the karaoke booth. In Yalta it was the dress-up booth. Here in Odessa it is posing with live animals. You can hold a rabbit, chinchilla, or crocodile like these girls. We've seen lots of monkeys and one lion cub, or there are larger animals like boa constrictors, eagles and falcons. Or you can sit on a pony or horse. Personally, I prefer posing with dolphins.
2 years ago
I'm sure the dolphins miss u Don!! Ive been reading each blog day after day and i am just blown away by the beauty and info u give us !!! thank you. Dolphins will be there when u get back... I'm sure..