On the days I don't swim in the ocean, I try to do a serious walk. I had a choice after blowing my knees out from running: either get surgery or switch to walking. I chose walking and was surprised to find that I seem to work more muscles walking than I did running. Plus I am better able to appreciate my surroundings. I came from Chicago and while it was below freezing there today, it was 80 degrees here, flowers lined the way with loads of flower petals strewn under foot. I usually walk past several tony resorts and appreciated this candy and gingerbread house I saw today. Then again I have had enough sweets to last me forever! A friend today told me to throw out all the food which was given us for the holidays; but I just can't do it. In my mind the only way to get rid of all those cookies and candies is to eat them. And the faster I eat them, the sooner they will be gone. Oh, my stomach is roiling and expanding!
I generally don't believe in New Year's resolutions, but I feel I need to make a serious commitment to this blog. So, my resolution is to make a blog entry every day. I'll try to not be too boring.
2 years ago
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